2019 Photo Contest Entry 35
Subject:Towering Maple
Park or Reserve, if applicable: Duff Park
Photo file name (what is the file name of the attachment?): Towering Maple
Date of photo, if known (does not have to be from current year): 6-26-19
Category (choose one): B) Plant Life
Any comments? The sun shone brightly through the green leaves of this maple forming an illuminated canopy.
Subject:Towering Maple
Park or Reserve, if applicable: Duff Park
Photo file name (what is the file name of the attachment?): Towering Maple
Date of photo, if known (does not have to be from current year): 6-26-19
Category (choose one): B) Plant Life
Any comments? The sun shone brightly through the green leaves of this maple forming an illuminated canopy.